Flexible Rogowski CTs


No integrator OR 333mV Output versions

  • 4, 6, 8, 12 inch diameters (standard versions). Other sizes on request.
  • Can interface directly to all DTS AC sub-meters
    • NO external integrator required
    • up to 1,000A  for 4″ and 6″ diameter CTs (350mV/1kA)
    • up to 2,500A for 4″ and 6″ diameter CTs (140mV/1kA)
    • up to 5,000A  for 8″ and 12″ diameter CTs (70mV/1kA)
  • Output of 333mV if used with external integrator option. Primary current to be specified.
  • Accuracy +-0.75% (primary conductor position dependent)
  • 6ft. 24AWG insulated leads (other lengths on request)
  • Conforms to UL2808
  • Designed and Manufactured in the USA

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  • $0.00
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Data Sheets & Downloads

MLG-WRT Rogowski CT datasheet (832.6 Kb) [PDF]


Guide for Extending CT Cable Length (118.6 Kb) [PDF]
Using Multiple CT Sets with DTS Meters (681.6 Kb) [PDF]
Measurlogic-RopeCT-Positional-accuracy (309.8 Kb) [PDF]

Product Description

The MLG-WRT Series of flexible Rogowski CTs are for applications where traditional split core CT’s don’t fit because of space constraints or number of conductors per bundle. Plus the MLG-WRT Rogowski CTs provide the ability to read higher currents, if required. They can be wired directly to a Measurlogic DTS meter thus removing the costs associated with an integrator (amplifier), including additional wiring and providing a DC power source. If required, the MLG-WRT Rogowski CTs can be purchased with a 333mV integrator (amplifier).


  • 4, 6, 8, 12 inch diameters (standard versions) – other diameters available as options
  • Rated input up to 5000A when used with our DTS meters
  • Can read up to 30kA (amplifier required above 5kA)
  • Interfaces directly to DTS meters up to 5kA without external integrator
  • Output of 0.333 Volt AC at rated current (with optional external integrator)
  • Accuracy +-0.75% (primary conductor position dependent)
  • Accuracy from 10 % to 120% of rated current
  • 6ft. 24AWG insulated leads
  • Conforms to UL 2808


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