Access the software downloads below to get started with your Measurlogic electrical metering products. Still have questions? Contact us today.
DTS CONFIG (Modbus 485/TCP Based)
DTS Config is a Modbus Master software application for easy configuration and monitoring of the following DTS AC and DC submeters and peripherals. For DTS meters with BACnet MS/TP or IP interfaces see BACnet Explorers below.
DTS 305 – v1.10 and up
DTS 307 – any firmware release
DTS 310 – any firmware release
DTS SMX – any firmware release
DTS SKT/D – any firmware release
DTS DC – any firmware release
DTS 105 – any firmware release
DTS Display – v2.11 and up
DTS 300 – NOT compatible
DOWNLOAD DTS CONFIG (2 Mb) [ZIP] — Current Version
Recommendation: Uninstall all previous versions before installing the new version.
Windows 10 or 11 (32 or 64 bit) Requires .NET 4.0 or later.
Extract the installation files from the zip file to a folder before running the setup
DTS TOOLBOX (Use with DTS submeters with embedded Ethernet port)
The DTS Toolbox utility can detect and configure the network settings of your Ethernet DTS meters. It is capable of detecting meters even when their network setting are incompatible with your network, or if there are multiple meters at the same IP address. The connectivity status of each meter is clearly indicated, and the network settings for any incorrectly configured meters can easily be changed.
For reliable and repeatable detection of DTS meters on the network we strongly recommend that DTS ToolBox be installed on a PC / laptop that is normally connected to that network. 3rd party laptops can often have firewall / anti-virus settings or other programs that restrict network access. This can prevent DTS ToolBox from detecting any attached DTS meters.
DOWNLOAD DTS TOOLBOX (9.2 Mb) [ZIP] — Current Version 1.01aA
Windows XP SP3 (32 bit) and 7, 8 or 10 (32 or 64 bit) Requires .NET 4.0 or later
Extract the installation files from the zip file to a folder before running the setup
Recommendation: Uninstall all previous versions before install.
The DTS Secure Toolbox utility can detect and connect to the DTS IoT Gateways (wired / wireless OR 4G cell modem versions)
For reliable and repeatable detection of DTS IoT Gateways and/or DTS meters on the network we strongly recommend that DTS Secure ToolBox be installed on a PC / laptop that is normally connected to that network. 3rd party laptops can often have firewall / anti-virus settings or other programs that restrict network access. This can prevent DTS Secure ToolBox from detecting any attached DTS IoT Gateways and/or DTS meters.
DOWNLOAD DTS SECURE TOOLBOX (10.9 Mb) [ZIP] — Current Version 1.08aE
BACnet Explorers
The following 3rd party BACnet Explorers have been used successfully with the DTS family of AC and DC BACnet MS/TP and BACnet/IP sub-meters. These links are for your convenience. Measurlogic does not offer technical support for these products.
Windows Drivers (USB to RS-485 converters)
CCOM-0017 Drivers (1.6 Mb) [ZIP]
These drivers are suitable for the following windows operating systems:
- Up to Windows 10 (32/64)